The British Garden Party is coming soon!

Maypole in Progress

Well, it is only a few days now (May 4th) until our annual British Garden Party, and there is still a lot to be done. The long-range weather prognostication given earlier by our resident forecaster, Fr Hawtin, for good weather seems to be holding up so far.

The Parish Life Committee (PLC) is getting . . . → Read More: The British Garden Party is coming soon!

Only two weeks left to go! Get ready to party!

White Elephant booth

It is later than you think! In two short weeks we will be celebrating Saint Stephen’s Annual British Garden Party on Saturday, May 4th. I have it on good authority (Fr Hawtin) that we can expect another excellent day, weather wise, with sunny spring-like temperatures. However, just in case something should fall through, it probably . . . → Read More: Only two weeks left to go! Get ready to party!

Don’t look now! The party is just around the corner!


Don’t look now but May 4th is fast approaching! What is so important about May 4th you say? Haven’t you been reading my articles? Tsk Tsk!! I cannot believe that you haven’t been paying attention.

With an enticement like this, how could you not visit the Garden Party Tea Shop?

Now I can . . . → Read More: Don’t look now! The party is just around the corner!

HOLY COW! Plunk your magic twanger, Froggie!!

okey dokey

Murgatroyd! Do you remember that word? Would you believe the spell-checker did not recognize the word Murgatroyd? Heavens to Murgatroyd!

The other day a not so elderly (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy; and he looked at her quizzically and said, “What the heck is a Jalopy?” He . . . → Read More: HOLY COW! Plunk your magic twanger, Froggie!!