Sunday Services

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
9:15 AM Holy Eucharist (Sunday School and Nursery Care)
11:00 AM Morning Prayer (First Sunday of the month: Holy Eucharist)

For details, see the full list of services and directions to the church.

Prayer List

Our Prayer Circle offers prayer daily for people on the Prayer List and guests of the Joseph Richey Hospice. To add a name to the list, or to the visiting list, or to join the Prayer Circle, call the office at (410) 560-6776 or use our Pastoral Care Request Form.

FOR RECOVERY: Mavis, Pam, Eileen, Rebecca, Catherine, Bill, RichardX, Janis, Daniel, Leona, Rachel, Elizabeth, Kim, Dorothy, Donna, Skip, Dan. Sarah, Betsy, Edie, Heidi, Alan, Terry, Helen, Linda, John, Neal, Stephen, Nathan, Hobie, Betty, Helen, Jan, Bobby, Lee, Cary, Marie, Jim, Joanna, Kendall, Ian, Gloria, June, John Tom, Michell, Jack, Lewey, Stephen, Pamela, David, Wade, Sifa, Eileen, Ravi, Theresa, Larry Ricard, Judy & Scott.

FOR LIGHT, STRENGTH & GUIDANCE: Sam, Cameron, Jim, Diana, Caroline, Karen, Ardis, Mavis, Michael, Ian, Melba, Vinnie, Doug, Chip, Elizabeth, Lisa, Carey, Jacob, Casey, Beth, Kath, Rebecca, Colin & Christian.



ON ACTIVE SERVICE: Lt. Col. Charles Bursi, Lt Nicholas Clouse, USN; Lt Col. Harry Hughes, USAF; Cpt Fiodor Strikovski, US Army.

Last Updated November 17th, 2020

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