Sunday Services

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
9:15 AM Holy Eucharist (Sunday School and Nursery Care)
11:00 AM Morning Prayer (First Sunday of the month: Holy Eucharist)

For details, see the full list of services and directions to the church.

Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals

If you wish to hold a baptism, wedding, or funeral at St Stephen’s, you should contact Happy Riley, the Director of Pastoral Care, either by phone at (410) 560-6776, or by email. A schedule of fees is included here for your planning purposes. Note that the Parish Hall may be rented for receptions or other appropriate activities, and that the Parish Hall furnishings (tables and chairs) may be rented for off-site use.


Occasion Fee
At regularly scheduled services Gratis
At a private ceremony Fees by arrangement; please call the Parish Office

Once you are ready to proceed with the Baptism, you will need to fill out the Information Sheet for Baptisms.

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Wedding Ceremonies

Item Parishioners or
Friends of St Stephen’s
Service (includes set-up/clean-up of facility and grounds; flowers and decorations not included) $200 $300
Rector’s Fee & each additional Priest $200 $300
Organist’s Fee $200 $300
Rehearsal Fee (Optional) $50 $100

Once you are ready to proceed with the Wedding, you will need to fill out the Information Sheet for Holy Matrimony.

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Funeral Services

Item Parishioners or
Friends of St Stephen’s
Service (includes set-up/clean-up of facility and grounds; flowers and decorations not included) $100 $200
Rector’s Fee & each additional Priest $200 $300
Organist’s Fee $200 $300

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Receptions in conjunction with weddings and funerals may be held at St Stephen’s. The cost per hour is $100. All receptions must be catered to comply with Baltimore County Board of Health regulations. The Parish Hall accommodates 100 persons.

Outdoor receptions require a meeting with Buildings and Grounds.

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Hall and Furnishings

The Parish Hall is available for appropriate activities. Determination of appropriateness will be made by the Director of Pastoral Care or, ultimately, the Rector.

Hall Rental Time Frame Parishioners or
Friends of St Stephen’s
Weekdays (Monday through Thursday) $60/hour $75/hour
Weekends (Friday through Sunday) $100/hour $100/hour

The table and chairs in the Parish Hall are also available for rental for off-site use. All tables accommodate 6-8 persons. A $100 deposit is required, and all pick-ups and returns must be done by the renting party.

Item Fee
6′ rectagular table $25
8′ round table $35
set of four chairs $10

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