Sermon for Funeral of Charlotte Hawtin

Fr Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for the funeral of Charlotte Hawtin:’s-Funeral.mp3

Recent Sermons

Adolph von Menzel Sermon in the Parish Church in Innsbruck

Sermon in the Parish Church in Innsbruck, by Adolph von Menzel (1815–1905).

The most recent sermons by Fr Hawtin and Fr Kerouac (Trinity VII, Transfiguration, Trinity IX) are now available in our library.

Bon Voyage, Fr Kerouac!


After Synod, Fr Kerouac will be leaving Saint Stephen’s to take up his position as Dean of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Port St John (Cocoa), Florida (on the coast, due east of Orlando). The coffee hour on August 11th was a celebration of his ministry at Saint Stephen’s, and to thank him and Carolyn for . . . → Read More: Bon Voyage, Fr Kerouac!

Fr Kerouac’s sermons for Trinity II and Trinity IV

Portrait of Fr Mike Kerouac

Fr Kerouac’s sermons for Trinity II and Trinity IV are now available in our sermon archive.

Sermon for Easter 4

Fr Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for Easter 4: Easter 4 2019, May 19th

Sermon for Easter 2

Fr Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for Easter 2: Easter 2 (Good Shepherd) May 5th

Sermons for Advent IV and Christmas Day

Fr Kerouac

Here are Fr Kerouac’s sermons for Advent 4 and Christmas Day.

Sermon for Advent II

Fr Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for Advent II, in both PDF and podcast form.

Thanksgiving Sermon

Fr Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving 2018

Sermon for Thanksgiving

Portrait of Fr Mike Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for Thanksgiving, 2018: