The Parish Life Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise announced. Anyone who crosses the threshold of St Stephen’s is considered a member of the Parish Life Committee. The committee generally focuses on the planning of the major seasonal events described below. Minutes are posted in the archives.
Visit our gallery of photos from previous Parish Life events.
Regular Activities
Bridge Club | Monday evenings at 6:30 PM. The Bridge Club meets in Quimby Hall and welcomes both beginners and experienced players for a rubber or two of friendly play. If you’ve always wanted to learn, or have been searching for an opportunity to brush up your skills, here’s your chance. Join us in the Parish Hall for an afternoon of run and relaxation. |
Knitting Circle | Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM. The Knitting Circle meets in the Parish Hall and makes shawls and other articles for the residents of Joseph Richey Hospice, Dr Bob’s Place, and various assisted living facilities in the area. |
Women’s Club Lunch | As announced. The Women’s Club meets about once a month for lunch at one of the many interesting restaurants in the area. Watch our blog for announcements. |
Seasonal Activities
Summer Silly Suppers | Wednesdays following the 6:00 PM Evening Prayer service. During the months of July (July 5th through August 30th), you can have a night off from the kitchen. Salad, an entrée, and dessert are available for a nominal price (as are soft drinks and wine). |
Cookie Walk | Held the first Saturday in December, St Stephen’s Cookie Walk is a neighbourhood legend. In addition to homemade cookies, cakes, jams, and brittle prepared by parishioners, the Cookie Walk offers holiday greens, small gifts, and St Stephen’s own Wild Rice and Bean Soup Mix. |
British Garden Party and Fête | Held the first Saturday in May, St Stephen’s Garden Party has become a neighbourhood institution. We have a Tea Room, an outdoor Pub (the “Pheasant and Firkin”), a White Elephant booth, country dancers (and a May Pole), pipers, games of chance, and various “fun” races (usually involving burlap sacks or flapjacks). |
Parish Picnics | Held in the fall (generally mid–September) and the spring (the first or second Sunday in June), these picnics mark the beginning and end of the season for our Choir of Men & Boys. |
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