The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

Trinity (celtic knot)

O God, who declarest thy almighty power chiefly in shewing mercy and pity: Mercifully grant unto us such a measure of thy grace, that we, running the way of thy commandments, may obtain thy gracious promises, and be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

Saint Bartholomew

St Bartholomew (Last Judgement)

St Bartholomew displaying his flayed skin, detail from The Last Judgement, by Michaelangelo (1475–154).

O Almighty and everlasting God, who didst give to thine Apostle Bartholomew grace truly to believe and to preach thy Word: Grant, we beseech thee, unto thy Church, to love that Word which he believed, and both to preach . . . → Read More: Saint Bartholomew

The Sermon for Sunday August 20th – Trinity X

Here is the sermon for Sunday August 20th: Trinity 10, 2017

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 32

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot

Martyrdom of St Clement

Martyrdom of St Clement, by Bernardino Fungai (1460–1516).

Enable us, O Lord, with Saint Bernard and all thy blessed servants, to bring the talents and graces of thy giving unto the sole service of the Holy Catholic Church, the Body of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; who liveth with thee and the . . . → Read More: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot

The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

Trinity (celtic knot)

Let thy merciful ears, O Lord, be open to the prayers of thy humble servants; and, that they may obtain their petitions, make them to ask such things as shall please thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Anne

The Education of the Virgin, with Saint Joachim, Saint Anne, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, by Peter Paul Rubens (1577—1640)

O God, who didst choose blessed Joachim from among the company of thy Saints, that of him might be begotten the Mother of thy Son: Grant that we who on his feast day . . . → Read More: Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Goodbye, but not farewell, from Fr. Robert Ludwig

When the phone rang two months ago and I was told by The Most Right Reverend Brian Marsh that I had been appointed Interim Rector of Holy Cross Anglican church, on the banks of the “Big Lake” Ontario, I was a little taken aback.

You see, as I’ve travelled about the country, either filling in . . . → Read More: Goodbye, but not farewell, from Fr. Robert Ludwig

Saint Mary, Mother of God (The Dormition, or Falling–Asleep, of the Theotokos)

Dormition of the Theotokos

The Cloud Dormition, an icon from Desyatinny Monastery in Novgorod

O God, who hast taken to thyself the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of thine incarnate Son: Grant that we, who have been redeemed by his blood, may share with her the glory of thine eternal kingdom; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ . . . → Read More: Saint Mary, Mother of God (The Dormition, or Falling–Asleep, of the Theotokos)

Our Hymn Raffle raised an amazing one thousand dollars

St. Stephen’s Transfiguration Sunday Hymn Raffle on August 6th raised a breathtaking $1,066 for the Choir’s adopted charity: The Christ Child Society of Baltimore. The fundraising effort was all the more remarkable because only some 20 diehards attended the event—a reflection of summer vacation season.

Despite the relatively small numbers—far fewer attendees than we . . . → Read More: Our Hymn Raffle raised an amazing one thousand dollars