Loving your neighbor is not just an option

Father Ludwig was a fine preacher and an excellent writer. Recently I came across a pithy meditation he wrote some years ago. It is well worth re-reading. Please say a prayer in his memory. GPH✠

The other day a friend of mine used the term “paying it forward”? which brought immediately to mind the . . . → Read More: Loving your neighbor is not just an option

Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer

Some prayers flow like water. They roll from your very soul because they are so well thought out by their authors. Of course, the very best author of prayer is God Almighty in the person of Jesus Christ!

The Lord’s Prayer is so beautiful in its simplicity and directness. It tells us of God’s love, . . . → Read More: Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer

Fighting is one surefire way to push God aside

Make no mistake about it: Fighting is bad. It doesn’t matter if the fight is a knockdown drag out or merely verbal. I have always felt a bit queasy when in the presence of those doing battle.

For the life of me, I have never understood those who turn on the TV, or worse yet . . . → Read More: Fighting is one surefire way to push God aside

Goodbye, but not farewell, from Fr. Robert Ludwig

When the phone rang two months ago and I was told by The Most Right Reverend Brian Marsh that I had been appointed Interim Rector of Holy Cross Anglican church, on the banks of the “Big Lake” Ontario, I was a little taken aback.

You see, as I’ve travelled about the country, either filling in . . . → Read More: Goodbye, but not farewell, from Fr. Robert Ludwig