Goodbye, but not farewell, from Fr. Robert Ludwig

When the phone rang two months ago and I was told by The Most Right Reverend Brian Marsh that I had been appointed Interim Rector of Holy Cross Anglican church, on the banks of the “Big Lake” Ontario, I was a little taken aback.

You see, as I’ve travelled about the country, either filling in . . . → Read More: Goodbye, but not farewell, from Fr. Robert Ludwig

Saint Mary, Mother of God (The Dormition, or Falling–Asleep, of the Theotokos)

Dormition of the Theotokos

The Cloud Dormition, an icon from Desyatinny Monastery in Novgorod

O God, who hast taken to thyself the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of thine incarnate Son: Grant that we, who have been redeemed by his blood, may share with her the glory of thine eternal kingdom; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ . . . → Read More: Saint Mary, Mother of God (The Dormition, or Falling–Asleep, of the Theotokos)