Daylight Saving Time

Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise

(We’re posting this today, as a reminder, and to give you a head start for tomorrow.)

Daylight Saving Time currently begins, for most of the United States, on the second Sunday in March. This collect was written by Kevin Robertson, a friend of one of the Priests at St Stephen’s, and posted to Mr Robertson’s . . . → Read More: Daylight Saving Time

Saint Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome and Doctor

Saint Gregory the Great inspired by a dove

Saint Gregory inspired by a dove

12 March is the date of Saint Gregory’s death. Since this date is always in Lent, the Second Vatican Council transferred his feast to 3 September, the commemoration of his episcopal consecration in AD 590.

Almighty and everlasting God, who gavest thy servant Saint Gregory a great . . . → Read More: Saint Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome and Doctor