Saint Ælred of Riveaulx, Abbot

Celtic Cross

Almighty and everlasting God, who ceasest not alike to teach and succour the children of thy Church: Grant, we pray thee, that as thou hast given Saint Aelred unto thy faithful people to be the minister of their everlasting salvation, so they may by thy mercy be enabled both to perceive and to know . . . → Read More: Saint Ælred of Riveaulx, Abbot

Saint Non (Nonnita)

Y Ddraig Goch

Eternal Father, who by the motherhood of blessed Mary hast crowned the calling of women: We praise the for Saint Non and all godly matrons, who have kept thy Son’s sayings in their hearts, and taught their children the same, to thine honour and glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Non (Nonnita)