Talk Like A Pirate Day

In a nod of ecumenism to our Pastafarian brethren, St Stephen’s celebrated Sunday, September 18th, as the Eve of “Talk Like A Pirate Day” (or as we called it informally, Piratespeakmas Eve). In addition to singing MELITA, the Navy Hymn (“Eternal Father, strong to save”), and having the “Hornpipe” from Handel’s Water Music as . . . → Read More: Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ecclesia Anglicana reformatted

Ecclesia Anglicana: A History of the English Church”, a monograph by the Rector, The Ven. Guy P. Hawtin, has been reformatted for easier reading online. It is also now available as a PDF, suitable for downloading or printing, and reading offline.

More Newsletters and Sermons

Our Library continues to grow. The archives now contain Sermons for 2010, and Newsletters for 2010 and 2009.

New Additions to the Library

The latest addition to our Library is a Rite for the Consecration of Holy Oils, specifically the Oil for the Sick, the Oil for the Catechumens, and the Balsam and Oil for the Chrism. There isn’t a standard rite for any Anglican jurisdiction, and so we offer the form used at St Stephen’s. The . . . → Read More: New Additions to the Library

The Remarkable Story of St Stephen’s Altar

St Stephen’s is blessed with a truly fine altar, an example of the best of 19th-century woodworking. Read about it’s origins in a shipbuilders’ church in Sparrows Point, and how it came to St Stephen’s through the efforts of one of our founding members, in the latest monograph to be added to our Library.

. . . → Read More: The Remarkable Story of St Stephen’s Altar

Newsletter and Sermon Archives

Work proceeds apace on our archives! The Treasurer has been busy uploading PDF versions of the newsletters and sermons for 2011. Watch this space for notice of the availability of previous years sometime soon!

Additions to the Library

We’ve added a number of items to our Library! We’ve posted a number of liturgies unique to St Stephen’s: among them are rites for The Blessing of the Hounds, and The Setting-Apart of Sub-Deacons; a Latin translation of the RSCM Chorister’s Prayer; and a congregational Horn Book for Holy Communion (since we use the . . . → Read More: Additions to the Library