World Refugee Day

Destruction of Jerusalem

The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, A.D. 70, by David Roberts (1796-1849). From Wikipedia.

Hear our prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto our cry: We are strangers with thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers were: bondmen whom thou leddest out of oppression . . . → Read More: World Refugee Day

Summer Solstice

Appearance of Christ to the People

O Lord Christ, who wast born in the bleak mid-winter, and yet was the Light of the world: shine thy love upon us even as the mid-summer sun shone upon the birth of thy cousin blessed John Baptist; and enkindle faith in our hearts, that we may join him in preparing thy way, even as . . . → Read More: Summer Solstice