Stay at Home Chat No. 4

Fr Hawtin

Here is the fourth episode of the Rector’s Stay at Home Chats, recorded on May 20th. As a reminder, all of the Story Time episodes will be collected on the Stay at Home Chat page.

Fr Hawtin’s Stay at Home Chat for 20 May 2020

Summer (Whitsuntide) Ember Days: I

Nicolas Poussin Summer or Ruth and Boaz

Summer, or Ruth and Boaz, by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). From Wikipedia.

O Lord Jesu Christ who didst say unto thine Apostles, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: Regard not our sins, but the faith of thy Church, and grant unto it that peace and unity which is . . . → Read More: Summer (Whitsuntide) Ember Days: I

The Martyrs of Uganda

Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabees

Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabees, by Antonio Ciseri (1821–1891). From Wikpedia.

Almighty God, who didst call thy faithful servants James Hannington and his companions to be witnesses and martyrs in the land of Africa, and by their labours and suffering didst raise up a people for thine own possession: Shed forth, we . . . → Read More: The Martyrs of Uganda