Mainstream media
 just doesn’t get it

Kevin Sorbo

It is more than a little irritating to be patronised by people less well–read, well–travelled and, arguably, less intelligent than oneself. But I confess the mainstream media manages to do so on a daily basis—particularly in the realm of religion, for which read ‘Christianity’.

When, for example, Christianity is discussed in print, television, and movies, . . . → Read More: Mainstream media
 just doesn’t get it

Saint Dominic

The Perugia Altarpiece, Side Panel Depicting St Dominic

The Perugia Altarpiece, Side Panel Depicting St. Dominic by Fra Angelico (circa 1395–1455) — Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Almighty and everlasting God, who by the blessed Saint Dominic didst gather together a great company of preachers: We beseech thee so to inspire the Church that she may . . . → Read More: Saint Dominic