
Lammastide stamp

O God, who hast made heaven and earth and all that is in them: We humbly beseech thee to bless and hallow these first–fruits of wheat, and to multiply them abundantly for us who offer them; and grant such seasonable weather that this year’s harvest may be plentiful, and we, rejoicing in thy gifts, . . . → Read More: Lammas

Saint Peter in Chains

La liberazione di San Pietro

O God, who didst deliver thine Apostle Peter from his bonds and suffer him to depart unhurt: Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to deliver us from the bonds of our sins, and of thy mercy preserve us from all evil; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one . . . → Read More: Saint Peter in Chains

The Dismal Science and 
the Prophets of Gloom

Spasskaya tower

Economics was dubbed ‘the Dismal Science’ by the famous Victorian historian Dr Thomas Carlyle. It was his response to the economist-cum-prophet of gloom Thomas Malthus, who claimed that a constantly expanding world population would cause perpetual shortages of resources and produce widespread misery.

Milton Friedman (1912–006)

Carlyle was well qualified to make . . . → Read More: The Dismal Science and 
the Prophets of Gloom