Posted by petrus, on August 31st, 2015
Inspire by thy blessed Spirit, O Lord God, all Bishops and Pastors, that they may tend their flocks after the pattern of thy servant Saint Aidan, with gentleness and strength; that thy people may be shepherded with the holy love of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and . . . → Read More: Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
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Posted by The Treasurer, on August 30th, 2015
Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephens News XXVI No 34
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Posted by petrus, on August 30th, 2015
Almighty and merciful God, of whose only gift it cometh that thy faithful people do unto thee true and laudable service: Grant, we beseech thee, that we may so faithfully serve thee in this life, that we fail not finally to attain thy heavenly promises; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
. . . → Read More: The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
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Posted by petrus, on August 29th, 2015
The Beheading of St John the Baptist, by Michelangelo Caravaggio (1571–1610).
Almighty God, by whose providence thy servant John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way of thy Son our Saviour, by preaching of repentance: Make us so to follow his doctrine and holy life, that we may truly repent according to . . . → Read More: The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
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Posted by petrus, on August 28th, 2015
Conversion of Saint Augustine, by Fra Angelico (c. 1395–1455)
O God, who from among the people of Africa didst raise up thy servant Augustine to be a Bishop and Doctor of the Church: Grant us so to follow him in paths of penitence and discipline that we may attain to the vision of . . . → Read More: Saint Augustine of Hippo
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Posted by Fr Guy Hawtin, on August 27th, 2015
People who have gotten out of the habit of saying their prayers frequently feel self–conscious and embarrassed about taking it up again. But it’s vitally important to make the effort—and by no means solely for the sake of your spiritual health.
Scientific studies show that prayer is good for your physical health as well. Patients . . . → Read More: Remember to pray for your
life—even if you are busy
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Posted by Fr Guy Hawtin, on August 26th, 2015
Christians of all persuasions should be deeply concerned about the increasing intolerance being displayed by federal, state, and local governments to some of their most cherished beliefs. Even courts sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution often seem set against the faith.
Intolerance is not merely confined to requiring Roman Catholic nuns to provide contraception services, . . . → Read More: Christians need to learn
to draw a line at apostasy
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Posted by Fr Guy Hawtin, on August 25th, 2015
Liturgical fashions change over the years—just like any other fashion. Seventy years ago, for example, it was fashionable for celebrants to say the liturgy as fast as they reasonably could—on the grounds that one makes fewer mistakes when words are read quickly.
It’s a reasonable enough hypothesis, but, like any other fashion, there were . . . → Read More: Ecclesiastical advice from
irregular (secular) sources
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Posted by The Treasurer, on August 24th, 2015
Summer time and the living is uneasy for the poor Treasurer. That’s because folks go on vacation and forget that the church needs to keep its doors open when they are away.
Please, please remember the poor soul who is wrestling with the diminished summer cash flow. He would really appreciate it if you . . . → Read More: Summer time and the Treasurer is uneasy
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Posted by petrus, on August 24th, 2015
St Bartholomew displaying his flayed skin, detail from The Last Judgement, by Michaelangelo (1475–154).
O Almighty and everlasting God, who didst give to thine Apostle Bartholomew grace truly to believe and to preach thy Word: Grant, we beseech thee, unto thy Church, to love that Word which he believed, and both to preach . . . → Read More: Saint Bartholomew
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