Here is the sermon for Sunday January 18th: Epiphany II, 2015
Here is the sermon for Sunday January 18th: Epiphany II, 2015 O God, who didst endue blessed Prisca, thy Virgin, with grace to witness a good confession, and to suffer gladly for thy name: Grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow her stedfastness that we may attain to the glorious fellowship of thy Saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ¶ The week between the Confession of Saint Peter (January 18th) and the Conversion of Saint Paul (January 25th) is widely (but not universally) observed as a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, Almighty God, to grant to the whole Christian people unity, peace, and true concord, both visible and invisible; . . . → Read More: For the Unity of the Church Almighty Father, who didst inspire Simon Peter, first among the apostles, to confess Jesus as Messiah and Son of the living God: Keep thy Church stedfast upon the rock of this faith, so that in unity and peace we may proclaim the one truth and follow the one Lord, our Saviour Jesus Christ; who liveth . . . → Read More: The Confession of Saint Peter (Saint Peter’s Chair in Rome) |
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