Holy Trinity Seminary has announced their course offerings for the fall, and once again, one of the courses will be held at St Stephen’s. For further information, you can contact either the Church Office or Holy Trinity.
Associate in Theology: BS120 How Christians Thought through the Ages. We will weave together biography, church history, and world views that shaped the way Christians thought through the ages. The course begins at St. Stephen’s at 7:15 PM on Monday, September 26th. The cost is $200 (audit: $150).
Master of Ministry: BS550 Biblical Interpretation. This course addresses the nature and methods of interpreting Scripture. It focuses not only on the technical aspects, but also on the philosophical and spiritual suppositions that lie behind the methodologies. The course meets at 9:00 AM on five Saturdays beginning September 17th at Christ the King Church. The cost is $200 (audit: $150.)