Posted by Fr Guy Hawtin, on July 31st, 2011
Back in the days when the 1928 Prayer Book was in general use (and all was right with the world) neophyte lay readers would, in an attempt at efficiency, occasionally read the responsive psalm for the morning or evening office from the lectern Bible rather than the Prayer Book Psalter.
What followed was a pantomime . . . → Read More: Why’s and wherefore’s of Coverdale’s psalms
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Posted by The Treasurer, on July 31st, 2011
Here is the sermon for Sunday July 31st: Trinity 6, 2011
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Posted by The Treasurer, on July 31st, 2011
Here is this week’s Newsletter: St. Stephen’s News XXII 30
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Posted by petrus, on July 31st, 2011
O God, who hast prepared for those who love thee such good things as pass man’s understanding: Pour into our hearts such love toward thee, that we, loving thee above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Posted by petrus, on July 30th, 2011
Merciful Saviour, who didst love Mary, and Martha, and Lazarus, blessing their home with thy sacred presence: Help us, we beseech thee, to choose that better part which shall not be taken away from us, that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of thee, who, with the Father and the . . . → Read More: Saint Mary and Saint Martha of Bethany
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Posted by petrus, on July 26th, 2011
Just a reminder that St Stephen’s Silly Summer Suppers are in full swing. Truth to tell, though, it’s hard to think of a less appropriate name than “Silly Summer Suppers” for these remarkable gastronomic events. The only thing silly about these suppers is the price. Where else can you get a home-cooked entrée, salad, and . . . → Read More: Silly Summer Suppers
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Posted by petrus, on July 26th, 2011
O Lord God, who in the deep counsels of thy mercy didst entrust to Saint Anne the preparation of the Blessed Virgin for her most holy calling: Bestow upon all mothers such godliness and grace as shall draw their children unto pure and virtuous living; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with . . . → Read More: Saint Anne
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Posted by admin, on July 25th, 2011
As you may have noticed, our blog entries (and general pages, for that matter) now have handy little buttons so that you can Like them on Facebook or tweet them. There are a number of other social network fora that we can activate (Google+, anyone?). So if your favorite social network venue isn’t available, let . . . → Read More: Teh Facebook and the Twitterz
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Posted by petrus, on July 25th, 2011
Grant, O merciful God, that, as thine holy Apostle Saint James, leaving his father and all that he had, without delay was obedient unto the calling of thy Son Jesus Christ, and followed him; so we, forsaking all worldly and carnal affections, may be evermore ready to follow thy holy commandments; through the same Jesus . . . → Read More: Saint James the Great, Apostle
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Posted by Fr Guy Hawtin, on July 24th, 2011
The greatest enemy of literacy today is not the graphic sex, foul language, and gratuitous violence that feature increasingly in the television programs and movies we watch and the books we read.
Certainly, prolonged heavy breathing, four–letter words, and the sound of pounded flesh do nothing to improve literacy—or advance the plot for that . . . → Read More: The art of the insult is not “expletive deleted”
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