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August Ingathering for At Jacob’s Well
Posted by petrus, on August 4th, 2011
August 7th is the first Sunday of the month, and so we are having our monthly ingathering for At Jacob’s Well, a charity which ministers to Baltimore’s homeless mentally ill. We generally collect household goods and non-perishable food items, but this summer, At Jacob’s Well has a specific wish list:
- Toilet Paper
- Laundry Detergent
- Dish Detergent
- All-Purpose Cleaners
- Bleach
- Oven Cleaner
- Paper Towels
- Bug Spray & Baits
- Large Trash Bags (33 gal)
- Small Trash Bags (8 gal)
- Plastic Ware: cups, forks, and plages
- Gift Cards to Home Depot, Staples, or Local Grocery Stores
Please bring your donations to church this Sunday, August 7th (or early the following week) and leave them by the Baptismal Font at the back of the church. Thanks, and God bless.
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