Kid’s Corner No. 37

The Sunday School teachers provide these materials for those families not able to come to Church this Sunday.

1. Kids-Corner-Week-37Download 2. Kids-Corner-Week-37 PDFDownload

. . . → Read More: Kid’s Corner No. 37


7 February 2021

Sexagesima Sunday: Second Sunday before Lent

Chi Rho mosaic

Chi Rho mosaic from Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery

O Lord God, who seest that we put not our trust in any thing that we do: Mercifully grant that by thy power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Sexagesima Sunday: Second Sunday before Lent

Sexagesima Sunday: Second Sunday before Lent

Chi Rho mosaic

Chi Rho mosaic from Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery

O Lord God, who seest that we put not our trust in any thing that we do: Mercifully grant that by thy power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Sexagesima Sunday: Second Sunday before Lent