Videocast: Christmas Eve, 2020

Here is a video of the Holy Eucharist “in tempore quarantinæ” for Advent IV, 20 December 2020. You can also watch the videocast of the Trinity Eucharist on YouTube, or on the parish’s Facebook pages: Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church, and Isaac’s FB page.

Here is the video of the Holy Eucharist “in . . . → Read More: Videocast: Christmas Eve, 2020

Christmas Eve

Chancel decorated for Christmas, 2019

O Lord Jesus Christ, thou that art higher than the highest and didst not abhor the Virgin’s womb: Humble us under thy mighty hand, that we may be accounted true citizens of the heavenly kingdom; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

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