Altar Flowers — Trinity XVI, 6 October 2019

Altar flowers — Trinity XVI

Altar flowers — Trinity XVI. Given to the glory of God by Tracy Collins, Ed Turnbull, and Sonya Sullins in loving memory of Layla Evelynn.

Saint Faith of Aquitaine, Martyr

Martyrdom of St Faith

Martyrdom of Saint Faith. From Wikipedia.

O God, by whose strength Saint Faith laid down her life to simple trust and marvellous constancy: Mercifully grant that, as she was true to her name, so we may ever be constant in our Christian profession; through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Faith of Aquitaine, Martyr

William Tyndale

William Tyndale

William Tyndale, from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs

Almighty God, who didst plant in the heart of thy servant William Tyndale a desire to bring the Scriptures to thy people in their native tongue, and didst endow him with felicity of speech and the strength to persevere: Reveal to us thy Word which he . . . → Read More: William Tyndale

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

Trinity (celtic knot)

O Lord, we beseech thee, let thy continual pity cleanse and defend thy Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without thy succour, preserve it evermore by thy help and goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.