Ladies Who Lunch, December 2018

Ladies Who Lunch December 2018

The Ladies Who Lunch were joined by the gentlemen at the Bluestone Restaurant in Timonium on December 19th, 2018. Photo courtesy Carolyn Kerouac.

The December outing of the Ladies Who Lunch is unusual in that, the one time during the year, gentlemen are invited to join in. The December 2018 outing was to . . . → Read More: Ladies Who Lunch, December 2018

O Radix Jesse

19 December O Radix Jesse by Philip Chircop SL

O Radix Jesse, by Philip Chircop SJ. O Antiphon for 19 December.

O Radix Jesse, qui stas in signum populorum, super quem continebunt reges os suum, quem Gentes deprecabuntur: veni ad liberandum nos, jam noli tardare.

O Root of Jesse, standing as a sign among the peoples; before you kings will shut their . . . → Read More: O Radix Jesse

Winter (Advent) Ember Day: I

Sebastiaan Vrancx (studio) Winter

Winter, by the studio of Sebastiaan Vrancx (1573–1647). From Wikipedia.

Almighty Lord and everlasting Father, who wouldest have the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of thy Son Jesus Christ: Bestow thy blessing, we beseech thee, upon all who labour for peace and righteousness among the nations, that the day may . . . → Read More: Winter (Advent) Ember Day: I