Punch and Judy return to the Garden Party!

Punch and Judy at 2014 Garden Party

Have you ever seen a Punch & Judy show? We mean, a real Punch & Judy show? If you haven’t, now’s your chance. And if you’ve seen Professor Horn’s Punch & Judy Show at previous Garden Parties, you’ll know how riotously funny it is. There are jokes for all ages, and all the slapstick you’d . . . → Read More: Punch and Judy return to the Garden Party!

Saint Catherine of Siena

The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena

The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena by Giovanni di Paolo (c. 1403–1482)

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we who keep the heavenly birthday of thy holy Virgin Saint Catherine may be conformed to the pattern of her hidden life with thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Catherine of Siena