“Anselm made Archbishop of Canterbury”, by James William Edmund Doyle (1822–1892) in A Chronicle of England: B.C. 55 – A.D. 1485. From Wikipedia.
¶ Or this:
Accept, O Lord, our thanksgiving for thy servant Anselm, who in his life bore faithful witness to the truth; and humbly we beseech thee to raise up in every generation wise and holy teachers able to bring forth out of their treasure things both old and new: in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ Or this:
O God, eternal and only–wise, who didst choose Saint Anselm to be a chief doctor and interpreter of the apostolic faith: Send down thy Holy Spirit upon they people, that they may seek so to learn Christ as ever to be found in him; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.