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This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephens News XXVII No 1

1 comment to This Week’s Newsletter

  • The Reverend Peter M. Hawkins.

    “ARTICLE 11
    Freedom of assembly and association
    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and
    to freedom of association with others, including the right to form
    and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.”
    As a result of the Meeting of President Roosvelt and Prime Minister Churchill in the midst of the Atlantic a series of points were made to be announced as the Atlantic Charter, later as the United Nations Charter and later still as the European Convention on Human Right, which exists in Australia also. Churchill never intended that they should apply to India! This was part of the Bill of Rights movement which tried to ensure a degree of wisdom and justice in the actions of the State. These now form in Europe the basis of our Right as Persons, we exclude no one.
    The present trouble in the politics of our Muslim neighbours means that we are receiving very large numbers of migrants, many of whom will be accepted as Refuggees. They are all persons, and thus are to be accepted in some manner.
    Since 1945 there has been a deficit of workers in Europe , and that added to the increasing age of the population, has increased the need for workers to move to the work and do it, and pay the taxes and assurance necessary to support the increasingly elderly population. It has been noted for years that first generation immigrants are more law abiding than the local population.
    At New Year some disturbances were reported in Koln and other places. Allegations of sexual harassment have been made. The Police has arrested some people and charged them. We await the trials. In Koln it was alleged that the men involved were of North African appearence.
    I think that it should be pointed out that the people of Syria are remarkably like us Europeans in appearence, and Iraquis are not all that different.Magrebians are more African in appearence.
    The judicial process for some is in train, and we hope others will also begin. We must wait for the conclusion. In the mean time it is not helpful to allege on the basis of no knowledge, nor to judge that all violence is the result of one group as against another. In Europe all are Persons, we have no Aliens.