Conversation with God means we should listen

World War II was raging when I was born and most of the younger men from our village had volunteered or been drafted into the armed forces—even the Vicar was in uniform, serving as an Army chaplain. Thus my youthful role models were largely men of my grandfather’s age.

This, doubtless, explains why my idea . . . → Read More: Conversation with God means we should listen

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Give grace, we beseech thee, Almighty God, to us thy people, and to the Pastors of thy flock, that, following the example of Saint Cyril thy Bishop and Confessor, we may in contempt of worldly motives obey to the end thy heavenly precepts, and be accounted worthy of those eternal joys which thou dost vouchsafe . . . → Read More: Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Saint Edward, King and Martyr

O God, who art the King of kings and Lord of lords: Give grace, we beseech thee, to the earthly rulers of thy people that, following the faith of thy servant King Edward, they may with him receive a crown of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and . . . → Read More: Saint Edward, King and Martyr