Palm Sunday, 1 April 2012, at 6:00 PM
For April, in lieu of Choral Evensong, we present a ‘Lessons & Carols’-esque service for Palm Sunday. The service begins at the usual time of 6:00 PM and is expected to conclude within an hour.
Music will include:
- Bartholomäus Gesius – Hosianna dem Sonne Davids
- William Griffith – Art thou weary* (*arr. Adric)
- Kenneth Leighton – Solus ad victimam
- William Horsley – There is a green hill far away*
- John Goss – God so loved the world
- Thomas Tallis – Crucifixus
- J. S. Bach – Suffrages*
- Congregational hymns:
- Ride on, ride on in majesty
- O sacred head sore wounded
- When I survey the wondrous Cross
Visitors from all faith traditions are always heartily welcomed to join us in prayer, and all are invited to remain for a reception following the service. Being a church service, admission is free of charge; however, freewill offerings are gratefully received in aid of the choir’s charity, Dr Bob’s Place, a hospice for children.