This Year’s Lenten Study will be a freewheeling series of five seminars entitled “All You Wanted To Know About Christianity But Never Had The Courage To Ask.” The series, which began on February 29th, meets on Wednesdays at 6:45 PM (after Evening Prayer) and continues until March 28th.
Participants will join in a “no holds barred” interchange with a panel of five experts on everything from Archaeology to Zwingli and all stops in between. If you are puzzled by the relationship of Jerusalem (old and new) with Christianity, have at it. If you would like to know the real cause of England’s row with Rome, just ask. If you want to find out about sex and “Original Sin,” or the pros and cons of infant baptism, or Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls, or the “lost Books of the Bible,” just raise a hand.
As usual we will be offering nourishment for the body as well as the soul—a hearty soup, the best bread in Baltimore and choice of beverages. If that’s not enough, bring a sandwich.