Posted by Fr Guy Hawtin, on October 2nd, 2011
The remarkable thing about the controversies embroiling our mainline churches—partly, but by no means exclusively, involving sexual behavior—is that they concern doctrines expounded by folks who claim they have God’s enthusiastic support for flouting both scriptural authority and catholic order.
Such people claim they can “discern” God’s mind because his revelation to mankind was not, . . . → Read More: The Bible: A handy tool for reading God’s mind
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Posted by isaac, on October 2nd, 2011
I suspected the Parish Life Committee had an ulterior motive when they recruited me as a member. Well, they’ve inveigled me into doing “write ups” for them in the newsletter. I must say I’m rather flattered. They obviously like my writing style. Anyway, here goes:
The summer is over and it’s time to get down . . . → Read More: Give us your time and we’ll give you supper
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Posted by The Treasurer, on October 2nd, 2011
Here is the sermon for Michaelmas Sunday: St. Michael & All Angels, 2011
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Posted by The Treasurer, on October 2nd, 2011
Here is this week’s newsletter : St. Stephen’s News XXII 39
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Posted by petrus, on October 2nd, 2011
Keep, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy Church with thy perpetual mercy; and, because the frailty of man without thee cannot but fall, keep us ever by thy help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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