For Fair Weather

St Stephen’s used the following collect as a prayer of special intention at the services on Sunday, September 25th.

Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee, of thy great goodness, to restrain those immoderate rains, wherewith thou hast afflicted us. And we pray thee to send us such seasonable weather, that the earth . . . → Read More: For Fair Weather

Silly Suppers and Harvest Festival

All good things must come to an end, at least for a season, and so this Thursday we will have our last Silly Supper of the summer. Be sure to stop by at 5:30 PM for a wonderful repast: salad, entrée, and dessert, all for $10 ($5 for children), and beverages at a nominal cost. . . . → Read More: Silly Suppers and Harvest Festival

We need your favorite drinks for our Cookbook

Our new Cookie Walk 2011 Cook Book is going to be an encyclopedia of beverages. Well, perhaps it is not going to be so much an encyclopedia, but more a comprehensive guide to the art of making beverages—alcoholic and non–alcoholic.

To this end we are calling for your recipes for punches, teas, shrubs, smoothies, malts, . . . → Read More: We need your favorite drinks for our Cookbook

Change isn’t always as good as a rest

Clergy of all denominations frequently joke that our parishioners assume we work only one day a week. But we are only joking. We don’t really believe you think we are such slackers.

On the other hand, the nature of work has changed so radically over the past half century, and it is not unreasonable that . . . → Read More: Change isn’t always as good as a rest

Sermon for September 25th Trinity XIV

Here is the sermon for Sunday September 25th: Trinity 14, 2011

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St. Stephen’s News XXII 38

The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Almighty and everlasting God, give unto us the increase of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain that which thou dost promise, make us to love that which thou dost command; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.