The Dorchester Chaplains

Escanaba Dorchester rescue

The Four Chaplains: Lieutenant George Fox, Lieutenant Alexander D. Goode, Lieutenant Clark V. Poling, and Lieutenant John P. Washington

Coast Guard Cutter USCGC Escanaba rescues Dorchester survivors,by an unattributed Coast Guard artist. From Wikipedia.

O Lord Jesus Christ, whose hast taught us that a man hath no greater love than to lay . . . → Read More: The Dorchester Chaplains

R.I.P. Terry Jones

Galahad and the grail

A Grail Collect

Almighty God, Father of all mercies: Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit to walk with us on our peculiar paths; and help us to see thy hand in all things, to keep a cheerful countenance in the face of adversity, and to look on the bright side of life; through Jesus . . . → Read More: R.I.P. Terry Jones

Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day, 19 January 2020

Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by Lt Col John Zebelean in memory of General Robert E. Lee.

Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day, 19 January 2020. The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by Lt Col JOhn Zebelean in . . . → Read More: Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day, 19 January 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr

Martin Luther King memorial Westminster Abbey

For a Civl Rights Worker

Martin Luther King memorial, sculpted by Tim Crawley, installed in 1998 over the west entrance of Westminster Abbey. From Wikipedia.

Almighty God, father of all mercies: We bless thy name for those who work to make justice a reality for all of thy children, especially thy servant . . . → Read More: Martin Luther King, Jr

For New Year’s Eve

O God, who in the beginning of all things didst create heaven and earth: Grant that at this beginning of the year we may create a world filled with compassion and kindness, with mercy and forgiveness, with beauty and wonder; and help us, we beseech thee, to prepare for that last day when thy Son . . . → Read More: For New Year’s Eve

For Black Friday / Cyber Monday

Hoffman Christ And The Rich Young Ruler

O Lord Jesu Christ, who didst advise a rich young man to sell his possessions, distribute to the poor, and then follow him: Make us mindful in this time of plenty, that salvation lieth not in the accumulation of material goods; but rather that by feeding the poor, giving drink to the thirsty, taking in . . . → Read More: For Black Friday / Cyber Monday

For the Victims of the Holodmor

The Massacre of the Innocents

For the Victims of Genocide

The Massacre of the Innocentsby Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1525?–1569)

Almighty God, gracious Father: we remember before thee this day all those who have perished in genocides, especially those who died in the Holodomor. Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to sear into our memories the story of their peril, . . . → Read More: For the Victims of the Holodmor


Jews burned alive

Almighty God, Maker of all things, and Judge of all men: We are all sinners before thee, and equally desirous of thy grace. Embolden our hearts to confront them that would lay scorn and trouble upon thy Chosen People. We are all children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that multitude of people which are like . . . → Read More: Kristallnacht

Constitution Day

Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States

Almighty God, Author of our life and liberty: we give thee thanks for the grace which thou bestowedst upon the framers of the Constitution of the United States, and for the enduring resilience of their handiwork. Guided by thy Spirit, these visionaries crafted a document which hath been a beacon of hope and freedom for . . . → Read More: Constitution Day

For All True Martyrs

martyrdom of st stephen by carracci

O Lord God, whose Son hath taught us that the greatest love is to lay down one’s life for one’s friends: we bless thee for the example of all thy martyrs who have answered pride with humility, anger with forgiveness, and hatred with charity. Grant, we beseech thee, that like thy proto–martyr St Stephen, all . . . → Read More: For All True Martyrs