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Many thanks for your kind words and condolences

Charlotte Hawtin and her husband at Afternoon Tea, at the 2014 Garden Party

Charlotte Hawtin and her husband at Afternoon Tea, at the 2014 Garden Party

We should like to express our heartfelt thanks for your messages of sympathy and the kindness you have shown following the death of our beloved Charlotte.

The large numbers who attended both the reception at the Lemon Funeral Home and her Requiem Eucharist at the parish church are a testament to the affection and esteem in which she was held.

Particular thanks is due to Adric—and most especially the choristers and former choristers from the Choir of Men & Boys—for the glorious music that made her requiem so memorable.

A Methodist convert, Charlotte cherished the Anglican Church’s choral tradition and was particularly fond of the choir. It was a fondness that, among other things, manifested itself in the distribution of large quantities of candy at Christmas and Easter—doubtless to the distress of the choir parents and the profit of Timonium’s dentists.

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