Posted by newsletter, on January 29th, 2016
Even newer correction! Because of the impending snow storm, the Pancake Supper has been postponed to Sunday, February 14th, following the 9:15 AM service (meaning it will begin around 10:15 AM).
Saint Stephen’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake & Sausage Supper takes place on February 9th at 5:30 PM on Sunday, February 14th, following the 9:15 AM service.. These famous suppers are not only gastronomic events, they are also real inflation fighters. The price has remained unchanged for 26 years. We challenge you to find anything in Baltimore with a comparable record!

Happy Riley takes great delight in preparing blueberry pancakes at St Stephen’s 2013 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.
For a mere $5 per adult you can feast on scrumptious pancakes and a heaping helping of the finest sausages the city has to offer. (You could manage seconds? Be our guest!) Naturally, there will be lashings of syrup, butter, and apple sauce, with low calorie equivalents for folks watching their weight. Beverages will be available at nominal cost. Kids under 12 can tuck in for half price ($2.50) for the first two, and the other kids you bring along—your own or anyone else’s—eat free. We challenge you to find a better deal in town than that! It can’t be done! We have managed to hold our prices steady without compromising quality because the Pancake Suppers are not fund–raisers, but family affairs aimed at fostering fellowship and fun. If we make a profit, it’s entirely accidental.
Join us for fellowship, fun, and fantastically good food at this year’s Pancake and Sausage Supper. It’s the best value in Baltimore.
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