The schedule for Christmas through Epiphany is now available.
The schedule for Christmas through Epiphany is now available. The ACA Executive Council is meeting at St Stephen’s this week, and as a result, we are making a few changes to our normal weekday schedule. There will be no Fellowship Breakfast at the Nautilus Diner on Tuesday, April 12th There will be no Parish Life Meeting on Tuesday, April 10th. The meeting has been . . . → Read More: Schedule changes for week of April 10th Services for Sunday, January 24th, have been cancelled due to snow. Please stay home and stay safe. This would be a good opportunity to read the Daily Office on your own, or with family and (maybe) neighbors. If you want some of the work done for you (instead of thumbing through pages in the Book . . . → Read More: Sunday Services cancelled due to Snow St Stephen’s snow policy is that whenever Baltimore County Schools are closed, the Church is closed as well. In anticipation of the storm, the 5:00 PM Family Eucharist on Saturday, 23 January has been cancelled. Sunday’s services will depend on the weather—listen for closings on the radio—but in any case, even if the schools and . . . → Read More: St Stephen’s Snow Policy You may recall a recent post in which the Rector was soliciting comments on changing the time of the 11:15 AM service back to its original time of 11:00 AM. Well, the decision has been made, in fact, to adjust the time of the service, beginning on Lent I, Sunday, March 9th. As luck . . . → Read More: Schedule change with a bang! Most of the non–liturgical activities are on hiatus this week. There will be no Fellowship Breakfast at the Nautilus Diner on Tuesday, the 3s1t; no Bridge Group on Wednesday, the the 1st; and no Knitting Circle on Thursday, the 2nd. Services remain largely the same: Tuesday, December 31st, 11:15 PM: Said Holy Communion (New Year’s . . . → Read More: Holiday Hiatus |
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