Posted by petrus, on February 6th, 2021
Sahek Parthev Catholicos (Pontiff Isaac the Parthian) by Francesco Maggiotto (1750-1805)
Be mindful, Lord, of thy holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, and bless it with shepherds who will lead it as St Isaac the Great led the ancient church in Armenia: causing an alphabet to be created, and the Holy Bible to be . . . → Read More: Saint Isaac the Great
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Posted by petrus, on January 30th, 2021
Icon of the Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great (left), John Chrysostom (center) and Gregory the Theologian (right). From Wikipedia.
ALMIGHTY God, we honour before thee the three great torch-bearers of the triune Godhead, thy saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, who have enlightened the world with the rays . . . → Read More: Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs
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Posted by petrus, on January 20th, 2021
O Lord our Governor, Ruler of all nations: Look favourably upon thy servant Joseph as he dedicateth himself to the service of our country. Grant him the wisdom, courage, and strength to lead our country in the paths of righteousness, that we may dwell in peace and prosperity, and be an example to all . . . → Read More: For an Inauguration
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Posted by petrus, on January 18th, 2021
For a Civl Rights Worker
Martin Luther King memorial, sculpted by Tim Crawley, installed in 1998 over the west entrance of Westminster Abbey. From Wikipedia.
Almighty God, father of all mercies: We bless thy name for those who work to make justice a reality for all of thy children, especially thy servant . . . → Read More: Martin Luther King, Jr
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Posted by petrus, on January 17th, 2021
Almighty God, Lord of Hosts: Look favourably upon thy servants Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Jackson, who so valiantly fought for their country against the Northern aggressors. Grant us, we beseech thee, to revere the example of these good men; to honor them for their defense of their nation’s institutions and way of . . . → Read More: Lee-Jackson Day
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Posted by petrus, on December 31st, 2020
O God, who in the beginning of all things didst create heaven and earth: Grant that at this beginning of the year we may create a world filled with compassion and kindness, with mercy and forgiveness, with beauty and wonder; and help us, we beseech thee, to prepare for that last day when thy Son . . . → Read More: For New Year’s Eve
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Posted by petrus, on June 28th, 2020
Benjamin Franklin at a Printing Press, by E. Boyd Smith (1860–1943), from an illustrated version of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. From Project Gutenberg.
Almighty God, who sendest thy messengers with glad tidings and dire warnings: Watch over thy servants the members of the press, keeping them safe from peril in their . . . → Read More: Freedom of the Press Day
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Posted by petrus, on June 28th, 2020
Judas Maccabeus before the Army of Nicanor (1 Macc. 7:26-32), by Gustave Doré (1832–1883). From Wikimedia.
Merciful God, whose love is ever unfailing and knoweth no bounds: Show thy mercy upon them that have been oppressed and persecuted because of their identity. Succour them in their fight for equality, and turn the . . . → Read More: For the Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots
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Posted by petrus, on June 27th, 2020
For Veterans with PTSD
Hercules Firing Arrows at His Children, by Antonio Canova (1757—1822). Source unknown.
Almighty Father, our help and our shield: look with mercy upon thy servants who have suffered in the service of our country. Soothe their distress, and grant them a sure recovery from the wounds of heart and . . . → Read More: National PTSD Awareness Day (I)
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Posted by petrus, on June 20th, 2020
The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, A.D. 70, by David Roberts (1796-1849). From Wikipedia.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto our cry: We are strangers with thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers were: bondmen whom thou leddest out of oppression . . . → Read More: World Refugee Day
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