St Stephen’s Pastoral Care Program is overseen by Happy Riley, Director of Pastoral Care. This program provides visitations, by clergy and laity, to shut-ins at home, hospital, or hospice. If we can assist you by visiting you or a loved one, please contact Mrs Riley at (410) 560-6776, or at, or by using our Pastoral Care Request Form. If, on the other hand, you wish to join us in this ministry, please contact Mrs Riley or any of the clergy.
As part of the Pastoral Care Program’s outreach, the Clergy of St Stephen’s hold services at a number of local hospitals, retirement communities, and assisted living facilities. See the schedule of weekday services for details. If you are interested in arranging services elsewhere (either on a one-time or ongoing basis), please contact Mrs Riley by one of the above methods.
St Stephen’s also maintains a Prayer Circle, which offers prayer daily for people on the Prayer List. To add a name to the list or to join the Prayer Circle, please contact Mrs Hawkins by one of the above methods.
Finally, you should contact Mrs Riley or Mrs Martha Miller to schedule baptisms, weddings, or funerals. For your convenience you may use the Wedding/Funeral Service Inquiry form, and a fee schedule is provided for planning purposes.
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