Sunday Services

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
9:15 AM Holy Eucharist (Sunday School and Nursery Care)
11:00 AM Morning Prayer (First Sunday of the month: Holy Eucharist)

For details, see the full list of services and directions to the church.

Cookie Walk Prices 2018

The following items are available at the Cookie Walk. Prices are for the 2018 season. Items marked with a Floral Heart (❦) are British specialities.

Bean Soup Mix $5
❦ Christmas Puddings

  • Small (12 ounces)
  • Medium (18 ounces)
  • Large (24 ounces)
  • Hard sauce

  • $10
  • $15
  • $20
  • $2
Cookies $10 per pound
Jams and Jellies (8 ounce jar) $5
❦ Mince pies $5 per box
Peanut Brittle $4 per bag (1/2 pound)
Spiced Pecans $5
❦ Welsh Cakes $5 per half dozen
Decorative Objects
Bag of Greens $10
Bows — Wired Ribbon $3
Centerpieces $9 to $40, as marked
Magnolia Bundle $5
Wreaths — Fresh $30
Wreaths — Everlasting $20
Odds and Ends
Cookbooks $2 each
$15 for a set of all ten

Check out the different issues available!

Dog Biscuits $3
Pine Cone Bird Feeder $1
Gift Table items as individually priced

Back to the Cookie Walk page

We had quite the crowd at the 2017 Cookie Walk!

We had quite the crowd at the 2017 Cookie Walk!

2 comments to Cookie Walk Prices 2018

  • Eileen Suckley

    This is an inspiring fund raising event? How did you package cookies – did you provide bakery boxes? Thank you!

    Grace Church
    Manchester, NH

    • petrus

      In years past we used styrofoam clam shell boxes, but this past year we switched to bakery boxes. The general consensus was that the boxes were much nicer (they’re also roomier), so that’s what we’ll use going forward. You can check out some pictures of a recent Cookie Walk in our gallery.

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