Sunday Services
8:00 AM |
Holy Eucharist |
9:15 AM |
Holy Eucharist (Sunday School and Nursery Care) |
11:00 AM |
Morning Prayer (First Sunday of the month: Holy Eucharist) |
For details, see the full list of services and directions to the church.
Gallery 2018
At the June 2018 Ladies Recognition Tea, we honored two more ladies with the Charlotte Hawtin Service Award. This time the honorees were Helen Blomeier and Stephanie Verhage. We thank them both for all their service over the years. These pictures are courtesy of Carolyn Kerouac.
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We had a very successful Vacation Bible School this year. The theme for this year’s event was be “Jesus is our superhero”. These pictures are courtesy of Carolyn Kerouac.
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Silly Summer Suppers for 2018
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New carpeting was recently installed in the lobby (the Cadwalader Room) and the back hallway. In addition, there is some new furniture. Photos courtesy Carolyn Kerouac.
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This year’s Fall Picnic also doubled as a bon voyage for Annie and Bill Hawkins, who are returning to Llanelli in Wales. (The picnic was held indoors, due to inclement weather.) These photos are courtesy of Carolyn Kerouac.
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Once again, the Knitting Circle has produced a spectacular array of knitted items for the Cookie Walk Silent Auction—from shawls to hats and scarves, and even a plush penguin!
To bid, just add your name to the sheet with the amount you wish to bid. (Note that there are some specified bid increment sizes.) Check back often to see if anyone has outbid you. The Auction closes after the 11:00 AM service on Sunday, December 2nd (the day after the Cookie Walk).
As in recent years, auction proceeds will benefit two charities: Heifer International, and Christ Child Society of Baltimore.
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Wreaths and gifts from previous Cookie Walks
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The December outing of the Ladies Who Lunch is unusual in that, the one time during the year, gentlemen are invited to join in. The December 2018 outing was to the Bluestone Restaurant in Timonium. Photos courtesy Carolyn Kerouac.
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