Sunday Services

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
9:15 AM Holy Eucharist (Sunday School and Nursery Care)
11:00 AM Morning Prayer (First Sunday of the month: Holy Eucharist)

For details, see the full list of services and directions to the church.

About Us

Saint Stephen’s is a “parish in the classical Anglican tradition”, but what does that mean? First and foremost, it means that our spiritual life is focused on the Bible, and the confession of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We use the King James Version (the “Authorised Version”) in our services and our study groups—and not just because it’s “traditional”. For a thorough explanation of why we use the KJV (with other translations as necessary and helpful), see “Why We Use the King James Version”.

Secondly, being a “parish in the classical Anglican tradition” means that our liturgical life is focused on the Book of Common Prayer, specifically the 1928 Prayer Book (with one significant exception, but we’ll get to that in a moment). Saint Stephen’s makes full use of the Prayer Book. Holy Communion is featured prominently on our service schedule, of course: Sunday services are at 8:00 AM and 9:15 AM, and we have weekday services, too. (See the Schedule of Services.) But Saint Stephen’s is one of the few parishes in the country which still regularly presents the service of Morning Prayer, most Sundays at 11:00 AM. (The 11 AM service on the first Sunday of the month is Holy Communion.)

Like a somewhat larger number of parishes, Saint Stephen’s also presents Choral Evensong on a regular basis: first Sundays of the month during the school year. What sets our Evensong services apart, however, is the presence of our Choir of Men and Boys, who sing music from the classical Anglican choral tradition. (See the Choir’s home page for information on upcoming services and repertory, and to sign up for the Choir’s mailing list.)

And that exception to using the 1928 Prayer Book? For our Holy Communion and Evensong services, we use the 1662 Prayer Book (which is still the “current” Prayer Book back in England). The 1662 Communion Service is more compact and has a somewhat more logical flow. And we use the Coverdale Psalter, as it appears in the 1662 BCP because, well, of tradition. Choirs had been using the Coverdale Psalter for centuries before the 1928 revision, which may be marginally more accurate (like the KJV translation), but not as musical.

It follows from our Bible– and Prayer Book–centered life that community outreach plays an important part in the life of the Parish. Our clergy and pastoral care staff make regular visits to shut–ins and residents of local hospitals and assisted living facilities. (See the Schedule of Services for services of Holy Communion celebrated at those locations.) The Parish also actively supports a number of local charities: At Jacob’s Well, which serves the homeless mentally ill of Baltimore; Heifer International, which provides live farm animals to families as a source of food and income; and the Christ Child Society of Baltimore, which provides practical support to families with children. The Parish also holds regular blood drives in cooperation with the Red Cross.

Finally, being a “parish in the classical Anglican tradition” means that we have fun. Our annual Cookie Walk in December, and British Garden Party and Fête in May, are neighbourhood legends. The Fall and Spring Picnics are always well attended and well enjoyed, as are our Silly Summer Suppers (which now feature an after–supper game of Bingo).

Please stop by for one of our services or other parochial activities: we think you’ll enjoy what you find—and find what you need. God bless.

6 comments to About Us

  • Elizabeth Roque

    Good morning, I friend told me that you have monthly tea parties. Could you tell me more about that?
    Thank you,
    Elizabeth Roque

    • petrus


      This is embarrassing for me to ask, but how did you submit a comment on the “About Us” page? I know people are supposed to be able to do it, but I don’t see how it’s done. (And if I “approve” your comment, since they’re moderated, it just seems to go off into the ether.)

      Anyway, to answer your question …

      We were having monthly Afternoon Teas fairly regularly, but the lady who was the driving force moved back to Wales. I can inquire, but I don’t think anyone has picked up the ball.

      However, we will have an Afternoon Tea as part of our annual British Garden Party & Fête, on Saturday, May 4th. You can find some general information about the Garden Party at (it’s still got information from last year). And you can see some pictures from an earlier Garden Party (including Afternoon Tea) at

  • Louis M

    Hi I’m writing from New Jersey . I was amazed that the Thomas Cranmer Book of Common Prayer of 1662 is still in use in your parish . That is wonderful as the book itself is a work of Art. After reading your website I did not find what if any churches you are in association with or your fellow churches as I did notice your named as Anglican ( Church of England ) and not Episcopalian ( an American name ) just curious are you affiliated with The Anglican Catholic Church of America or the Old Catholic Church ? If not whom ? Thank you ……… Louis

    • petrus

      This is embarrassing for me to ask, but how did you submit a comment on the “About Us” page? I know people are supposed to be able to do it, but I don’t see how it’s done. (And if I “approve” your comment, since they’re moderated, it just seems to go off into the ether.)

      Anyway, to answer your question …

      Saint Stephen’s is a parish in the Anglican Church in America (ACA). There’s a small logo with a link to the diocesan site way down at the bottom of the page in the footer.

      We also regularly do Mattins, which is also a rarity these days. At the late morning service (11:00 AM), it’s Communion on the first Sunday of the month, and Morning Prayer the rest of the month. The Choir of Men & Boys sings during the academic year, and they also sing Evensong on the first Sunday (weather permitting).

    • petrus

      also, the email address you provided doesn’t seem to be valid

  • Karen Underwood

    When is Thanksgiving Prayer Service and what time?

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