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Saint Isaac the Great
Posted by petrus, on February 6th, 2021
 Sahek Parthev Catholicos (Pontiff Isaac the Parthian) by Francesco Maggiotto (1750-1805) Be mindful, Lord, of thy holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, and bless it with shepherds who will lead it as St Isaac the Great led the ancient church in Armenia: causing an alphabet to be created, and the Holy Bible to be translated into the tongue of the people, that they might know wisdom and instruction, and perceive the words of understanding; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all glory, dominion, and honor, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
⸬ Written for the Feast of Saint Isaac the Great (Catholicos Saint Sahak Parthev, Pontiff Saint Isaac the Parthian), February 11th, 2012. St Isaac the Great is the patron saint of Isaac the lectern eagle at St Stephen’s. In the Armenian kalendar, saints’ days are generally moveable feasts. The commemoration of Saint Isaac occurs on the Saturday before Sexagesima.
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