The ladies who lunch will be dining at the Peppermill Restaurant on York Road at 12 noon on Wednesday April 18th. Please join us for good food and great fellowship. Call Joyce Perlberg if you wish to attend. 410 252 2680
The ladies who lunch will be dining at the Peppermill Restaurant on York Road at 12 noon on Wednesday April 18th. Please join us for good food and great fellowship. Call Joyce Perlberg if you wish to attend. 410 252 2680 Here is the sermon for Sunday April 8th: Easter Day, 2012 O God, who for our redemption didst give thine only–begotten Son to the death of the Cross, and by his glorious resurrection hast delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily from sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through the same . . . → Read More: Easter Day |
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