Saint Stephen’s is a “parish in the classical Anglican tradition”. Our spiritual life is focused on the Bible, and the confession of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We use the King James Version of the Bible (the “Authorised Version”) in our services and our study groups. We are part of the Diocese of the Eastern United States in the Anglican Church in America.
Our liturgical life is focused on the Book of Common Prayer. We use the 1662 BCP at our Saturday and Sunday services, and the 1928 BCP for Wednesday Evening Prayer. Holy Communion is featured prominently on our service schedule, of course, but Saint Stephen’s is one of the few parishes in the country which still regularly presents the service of Morning Prayer.
It follows from our Bible– and Prayer Book–centered life that community outreach plays an important part in the life of the Parish. Our clergy and pastoral care staff make regular visits to shut–ins and residents of local hospitals and assisted living facilities. The Parish also actively supports a number of local charities: At Jacob’s Well, which serves the homeless mentally ill of Baltimore; Heifer International, which provides live farm animals to families as a source of food and income; and the Christ Child Society of Baltimore, which provides practical support to families with children. The Parish also holds regular blood drives in cooperation with the Red Cross.
Finally, being a “parish in the classical Anglican tradition” means that we have fun. Our annual Cookie Walk in December, and British Garden Party and Fête in May, are neighborhood legends. The Fall and Spring Picnics are always well attended and well enjoyed, as are our Summer Potluck Suppers.
Please stop by for one of our services or other parochial activities: we think you’ll enjoy what you find—and find what you need. God bless.
Sunday Services
Saint Stephen’s is open for Services at 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM. We shall be celebrating the Eucharist at 8:00 AM and 9:15 AM. Morning Prayer at 11:00 (Eucharist on 1st Sunday of the Month).
We will be continuing our video recordings of Feast Day and Sunday Eucharists. These are posted on the parish website ( and Youtube. You’ll find them from 9:15 AM onwards every Sunday and Day of Obligation at at the bottom of the Home Page, under “Recent Blog Posts. A new midweek “broadcast” talk by the rector can also be found on the website every Wednesday or Thursday.
8:00 AM | Said Eucharist | |
9:15 AM | Sung Eucharist (Sunday School & Nursery Care) |
11:00 AM | Sung Morning Prayer/Mattens (First Sunday of the month: Sung Eucharist) |
Nursery care is available for the duration of the 9:15 AM service.
Sunday School is available for various age groups beginning at 3 years old. Children remain with their parents until after the Creed and announcements. Then, during the Sermon Hymn, they leave the sanctuary with their teachers for classes in the Parish Hall. The children return briefly at the end of communion for a blessing at the altar rail.
See our complete listing of service times for weekday services and services at other locations.
From I-83: Take Padonia Rd. West. Turn left at Jenifer Rd. Turn right on to MaysChapel Rd. Church is immediately on the right.From Falls Road: Turn right on Padonia Rd., then right on Jenifer Rd., and right on Mays Chapel Rd. Church is immediately on the right.
Alternate Route From Downtown: Take I-83 to Falls Rd. (it becomes Falls Road past I-695). Turn right at Seminary Ave., then left on to Mays Chapel Rd. Church is on the left just past the sharp right turn on Mays Chapel Rd. If you get to the stop sign at Jenifer Rd., you just passed us. |
Recent Blog Posts
- A Prayer in the Time of Plague
- Father Guy Hawtin’s Funeral Arrangements
- Father Guy Hawtin has Died
- Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
- Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
- Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
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