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Spring (Lenten) Ember Days: I

Nicolas Poussin Spring or The Earthly Paradise

Spring, or The Earthly Paradise, by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). From Wikipedia.

O God, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son Jesus Christ to preach peace to them that are afar off and to them that are nigh: Grant that all peoples of the world may feel after thee and find thee; and hasten, O Lord, the fulfilment of thy promise to pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Given in the 1926 Canadian BCP as a Lenten Ember collect “For Missionary Work in our Own Country”, and in the 1979 BCP as the first of two collects “For the Mission of the Church”.

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