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For the Awakening of the Force of Righteousness

The Pilgrim's Progress by Byam Shaw

Within Sight of the City to Which They Went, from The Pilgrim’s Progress, illustrated by Byam Shaw (1872–1919).

Inspired by the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and by the Choirmaster-Organist’s post-service voluntary, “Atrio solii”, a tour–de–force transcription of the final cue from John Williams’s score for Star Wars: A New Hope (entitled “The Throne Room”).

O Lord Jesus Christ, Captain of our souls, who, after thy crucifixion didst harrow hell and bring salvation to the penitent: we beseech the to awaken within us the force of thy righteousness, that we may put on the armour of God and resist the temptations of the Evil One, and may in time cross the river Jordan and reach that side where thou art the Light eternal; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

1 comment to For the Awakening of the Force of Righteousness

  • Rose

    Heart encouraging. Tremendous inspiration. How can one learn of Christ Jesus, his life and times at the beginning of Planet Earth as humans know it (or does Genesis Beresith Elohim refer to the beginning of our Milky Way Galaxy?), his tenure on planet Earth, and his awesome resurrection, and not feel a desire to serve God, the I AM, and to resist the lies and deception of the Evil One? Thank you.