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The change we hope you can believe in!

There are various answers to the question “How many Episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb?” To my mind, the most accurate is: “C-H-A-N-G-E‽‽‽‽” The vestry, however, is proposing a change so minor—just 15 minutes—we hope the response will be simply: “Ho hum.”

From the first Sunday in Lent (that’s Sunday, February 26th) we would like to begin the Sung Eucharist at 9:00 AM instead of 9:15 AM. The idea is that is will make life easier for the clergy, leave more time for adult education and give the choir tad more rehearsal time.

We hope you find it change you can live with, but please let us know your feelings. Just give us a call at the Parish Office or drop us a line.

[Editor’s note: This is actually a a reversal, or an “un-change”. Until a few years ago, the second Sunday service—the first sung service of the morning—was at 9:00 AM. So we’re really just restoring the service to it’s original time. This isn’t really “new” territory.]

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